Outreach &
Upcoming Dates:
Saturday May 15th 1pm
Outreach and Evangelism is a vital part in the body of Christ. Jesus has commissioned all of us to go out into the world and share the Gospel and Outpour is how we are accomplishing that. We are believing that as we go out into the streets of Atlanta, there will be an outpour of God's Spirit over the city and over all the people we come into contact with.
We've partnered with Safehouse Outreach right downtown in Atlanta to accomplish this. Safehouse is in the perfect spot to reach different walks of life with the Gospel. In one direction, there are college students at Georgia State, the upper class in one direction, in another direction, the homeless at Hurt park, and in another direction you will find tourists visiting Atlanta. Safehouse has graciously opened their doors and are allowing us to use their facilities as a base. We'll meet at 1pm to come together and pray for 30 minutes and at 1:30 we'll go out in teams of 3-4 people with team leaders to pray for people, encourage people, intentionally love on people, all with the hope that God will touch that person in a tangible way. Around 3 we'll meet back at Safehouse to debrief and share testimonies!
We're super excited to kick off our outreach ministry! It might seem kinda scary at first to step out and share your faith, but having God move through you by His Spirit is one of the greatest experiences you can have with God. If we truly want to see our city changed, we need to share the love of Christ with people. Think about how powerful it would be to see dozens of people flood the streets of Atlanta to just pray with people and share the love of Christ It would make a huge statement! So come out and be apart of this movement! Let us know you're coming by registering below